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Human Resources Pages



Here you can see some usefule pages about Human Resources


  • Adopt a Cus­tomer Ser­vice Attitude

    Con­sider this: A cus­tomer ser­vice rep­re­sen­ta­tive says the right things and trans­acts the busi­ness with effi­ciency but also with an air of indif­fer­ence (or worse). Are you sat­is­fied? No! Like every­one else, you expect to be...

    Adopt a Cus­tomer Ser­vice Attitude
  • How To Help Reduce Stress At Work

    Work can be a stressful place, wherever you earn your living, whether in an office, a factory, or a school. Some stress is good. It motivates us and makes us stronger. Too much stress is bad. It makes us irrational and it can, quite literally, kill us....

    How To Help Reduce Stress At Work
  • How to Get a Promotion at Work

    How to get a promotion at work? Most people who get promoted are those who know how to be positive, some people may be good at what they do, but most of the time this is not enough. If you want something real bad, you have to perceive it happening....

    How to Get a Promotion at Work
  • psychological keys to be satisfied with your job

    Do you get a pleasant satisfied feeling after a hard day at work If some job satisfaction surveys are to be believed then as many as a third of us are considering a change of job. Clearly many are finding it hard to get that feeling of satisfaction...

    psychological keys to be satisfied with your job
  • Building a Sense of Teamwork Among Staff

    The term “team” is often used to refer to groups that meet over time to complete a project and then wind down (e.g., cross-functional teams) or is used to describe a group that operates solely as a team, with the role of leader alternating...

    Building a Sense of Teamwork Among Staff
  • how competing for work impacts on performance

    A new study by the Serco Institute suggests that competition and contestability can play a major part in creating powerful incentives to innovate and implement reform The American political economist, Aaron Wildavsky once wrote: "No genius is required...

    how competing for work impacts on performance